Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Midterm 3 Saving in other formats

In this midterm exercise I downloaded an image that was a .tif file and I exported it as a jpg, png, and gif.
First image is a tiff file.
This one is a GIF, you can see the difference in color on the image as a gif compared to the tif.
This is the jpg, pretty similar to the Gif, but still doesn't look as good as the original tif. Seems lighter in dark or black areas compared to the gif. Seems slightly better in color than the gif as well.
Then we have the png which seems to be more dull in color compared to all of the images.

This was an assignment for my discovering computer graphics class I'm taking at Boston College in the Immersive Education courses. For more details you can visit the Immersive portal at

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