Thursday, April 3, 2014

Final #2 Monocular Depth Cues (still uploading)

In this image I circled some trees in the distance of my view in the playstation game, "Infamous Second Son". The circled portion of the image represents atmospheric perspective. The trees seem fine at a certain point, not seen perfectly but as you look at trees further than the greenest ones they become fuzzier and harder see and eventually into shadows.

This image I found most appropriate for the depth cue for lighting and shading. As you can see by the arrows, one side of the building is being hit by sunlight more than the side facing the player in the image (at least in the game's world) and with the darker side you can see the different amounts of light displayed on the side of the building facing the player.

In this image I tried to find a good example of Linear perspective. I couldn't find any train tracks in the game so I tried to use the road. You can see the road where the player stands and see how the size narrows as you look down the road. I circled what I found to be sort of the vanishing point.